Installation of farm fence / deer fence / cattle fence

07. 19, 2019

From the corner of the bullpen net corner, the bullpen net is turned in one direction, the small side of the weft line is on the ground, two rolls of grassland net fence and the cow fence are tied at the joint of the fence, and the wire at one end of the net is cut, not tied On the corner post, then use the tensioner to clamp the other end of each weft thread with a collet and fix it on the center column of the bullpen net, and tighten it once every 200 meters.

Installation of farm fence / deer fence / cattle fence

Tension must be evenly tightened when tightening. The corrugation on the plane of the fence of the grassland net and the fence of the bullpen net is stable in the local area far from the end.

In the process of tightening, it is necessary to force the grass net fence and the cow net fence to prevent it from being entangled by other things, so that the force is even, and then the other end is cut and tied to the center column.

Don't use the tied knot to tie the grassland net fence and the bullpen net "separated by a weft, tied with a weft" on the small column. The adjacent two small columns should be staggered and tied, and the hooks and the grass net fence should be connected by hooks. Bullpen net fence, use at least two hooks between every two small columns, and so on.
