Advantages of gabion box in practical application

07. 29, 2019

The advantages of stone cages in terms of strength, permeability, durability, flexibility, economy and ecology compared to traditional building materials:
1. strength
The gabion box and pad are made of hexagonal twisted wire mesh to provide sufficient strength to the structure to withstand the forces generated by the retained soil and flowing water.
2. Flexibility
The flexibility of the double twisted hexagonal mesh helps to resist uneven settlement without damaging the structure, especially when the structure is mounted on unstable and uneven ground or in areas where waves or water washes may break. .
Advantages of gabion box in practical application3. penetration
The water permeability of the gabion eliminates the accumulation of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining structure and also eliminates the turbulence-induced bulging, so the thickness of the desired structure is significantly reduced.
4. Durability
The gabion structure is a heavy-duty overall gravity unit capable of withstanding the thrust of the earth. As silt and soil build up on voids and vegetation, further consolidation occurs, and its efficiency increases rather than decreasing with age.
5. economic
Cost effective and efficient compared to other rigid structures of similar functionality.
Mounted on a fairly flat surface without the need for heavy foundation preparation.
Due to the simple construction and assembly on site, no skilled labor is required.
No permanent drainage system is required.
The ease of operation of large components has led to a significant increase in construction speed and accelerated completion dates.
6. Ecology
The gabion structure allows vegetation to grow and maintain the existing environment.

Previa Gabion box