• Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo

Metal perforado decorativo

El metal perforado decorativo es una hoja de material que contiene una serie de agujeros decorativos perforados. La forma del agujero está determinada por la forma del dado. Para chapa perforada con un patrón de orificios decorativo, la matriz tiene varias formas. Nuestro metal perforado decorativo está disponible en una amplia gama de formas de orificios, calibres y materiales en patrones rectos y escalonados. Disponemos de chapa perforada decorativa en varios tamaños.


El metal perforado decorativo es ideal para muchas aplicaciones arquitectónicas de metal que requieren un atractivo estético. Los orificios decorativos en chapa perforada ofrecen opciones de diseño con una amplia gama de formas de orificios, calibres y materiales en patrones rectos y escalonados.


Los usos del metal perforado decorativo son infinitos. Muchos de nuestros clientes utilizan nuestro metal perforado decorativo para hacer armarios, fondos, paredes, cestas y muebles.

Nuestras Ventajas:

Suministro de muestras GRATIS

Diseño libre

Calidad garantizada por SGS

Respuesta rápida en 24 horas.

Precio razonable directamente de nuestra propia fábrica.

Información detallada para Metal perforado decorativo
  • Introducción
  • Caracteristicas
  • Especificaciones
  • Tecnología
  • Dibujo y Galería
  • Investigación


1 Metal perforado para decoración de interiores:

Fabricado con placas de metal perforadas con varios diseños con buena permeabilidad y efectos decorativos. Se utiliza principalmente para la decoración de puertas y ventanas, paneles, armarios de ascensores, soporte, estantería; se puede utilizar como material de pared de absorción acústica para el techo y las paredes en la construcción; También se utiliza como exquisitas hojas decorativas para la construcción de escaleras, balcones y muebles de oficina respetuosos con el medio ambiente.


Materiales: Placa de acero inoxidable, placa de aluminio, placa de acero en frío y caliente, placa de cobre.


Características: peso ligero, brillo metálico natural, hermoso diseño.

Patrón de apertura: Rectángulo, cuadrado, redondo, triangular, hexagonal, flor y muchos otros patrones especiales según las necesidades del cliente.




2 Metal perforado para decoración de exteriores:

El metal perforado se puede utilizar para la decoración de las paredes exteriores de los edificios; barreras en el transporte y las instalaciones municipales como autovía, ferrocarril y metro; También se utiliza como placa de absorción de ruido y sonido en paredes de edificios, salas de generadores, fábricas y otras fuentes de ruido.


Material: placa de acero inoxidable, aluminio, acero frío y caliente, cobre, tableros de fibra, láminas de plástico y otras placas no metálicas.


Peso ligero


Extremadamente versátil



Gran área abierta


Muchos patrones, materiales y calibres.


Options for Decorative Perforated Metal:

Nota: Se pueden realizar tamaños y especificaciones especiales de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.


Hole Pattern  Hole pattern is the arrangement of holes on a sheet - either staggered or straight rows. In a staggered hole pattern, the direction of the stagger is normally parallel to the short dimension of the sheet. The standard pattern is 60° staggered. It is the strongest, most versatile, and economical pattern of the perforated choices. Also available are straight and 45° hole patterns, available by special order.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Hole Size  Hole size is the diameter of the perforation. HUIJIN carries a wide range of round hole sizes (from 0.020 to 1 inch) and can special order any hole size required as long as it meets minimum hole size requirements.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Hole Center  Hole Center is the distance from the center of one hole to the center of the nearest hole in the next adjoining row. Hole center is one of two measures of perforation spacing. The other is open area. Because hole center and open area measure essentially the same property (perforation spacing), you need specify only one or the other, not both.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Open Area  Perforated sheets contain holes and material. Open area is the total area of the holes divided by the total area of the sheet and is expressed as a percent. In other words, open area describes how much of a sheet is occupied by holes. If a perforated sheet has 60 percent open area, then 60 percent of the sheet is holes and 40 percent is material. Note: Specify either Open Area or Centers, but not both.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Thickness or Gauge  Thickness is the measurement from the top surface to bottom surface of the material. Gauge is the most common measurement, but thickness can also be measured in fractional inches or millimeters.
Decorative Perforated Metal
End Patterns  End pattern is the pattern of the perforations at the beginning and the end of the sheet. End patterns are either finished or unfinished. An unfinished end pattern is standard. A finished end pattern requires special tooling and is typically more expensive.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Length and Width Length is the overall measurement of the long side of the sheet; width is the overall measurement of the short side of the sheet. Note that mill tolerances for length and width apply to stock sheets unless otherwise specified. If you have a stock sheet cut-to-size, cut-tolerances apply. To specify other than standard tolerances, please use the perforated round hole pattern quote form to specify the required tolerances.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Quantity Quantity is the number of full sheets or cut pieces you need. Unless otherwise specified, the standard tolerance on quantity is 'Exact Quantity'. In other words, HUIJIN will deliver the exact quantity you specify.
Bar Width  Bar width is the measure of the material between the outer edge of one hole to the outer edge of the nearest hole. If you specify bar width, be be sure that the bar width meets the guidelines for minimum bar width.
Decorative Perforated Metal
Margins  Margins are the blank (unperforated) area along the edges of the sheet. For stock sheets, the standard is minimum margins along the length and no margins along the width. To specify other than standard margins, use the perforated round hole pattern quote form. Provide the width of each margin on all four sides (measured from the edge of the sheet to the edge of the first hole) and the direction to which the margin is parallel (side or length dimension). Manufacturing considerations may affect margins. If the margins requested are not possible, the quote you receive will specify the new margins. Below is an example of a margin specification based on the illustration to the right: Margins: · 1 inch margins parallel to both 25 inch dimensions· 0.75 inch margins parallel to both 48 inch dimensions

Decorative Perforated Metal  Decorative Perforated Metal

Tolerances There are tolerances on quantity, shearing, gcircle shearing, flatness, thickness and squareness, for perforated products. If you do not specify a specific tolerance, the standard tolerance applies. Tolerances can be specified on the perforated round hole pattern quote form.

Note: Special designs or sizes is also available at customers request.

Open Area Calculation

Decorative Perforated Metal Decorative Perforated Metal
Decorative Perforated Metal
Decorative Perforated Metal
Decorative Perforated Metal
Decorative Perforated Metal

To Find the Holes Per Square Inch:
H.P.S.I =(% Open Area)/78.54 x D2

Dibujo y Galería:

  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo
  • Metal perforado decorativo
    Metal perforado decorativo

Nombre del Producto: Metal perforado decorativo
